Shape Completion Challenge and Dataset


In this challenge, you are tasked to provide a complete 3D mesh given a partial RGB-D observation of sweet peppers. You are provided with RGB-D frames with corresponding instance masks and poses where sweet peppers are only partially visible. We ask the participants to predict a 3D mesh representing the complete fruit. Obtaining such information is a fundamental building block for agricultural autonomous systems across different downstream tasks, such as harvesting and yield estimation.

Dataset Structure

To facilitate developments based on our data, we provide a visual representation of the data structure.

Codalab Submission

We are running a codalab challenge as part of an upcoming ECCV workshop, see The competition is open from the 3rd of June 2024 to the 30th of August 2024.

If you want to participate in the challenge, visit the codalab page:

We expect the following data structure for the submissions:


You can download the entire dataset at


We provide a small API to access the data at Additionally, we provide a tech report available on ArXiv

How to Cite

If you find this dataset useful, consider citing the following papers

author = {F. Magistri and R. Marcuzzi and E.A. Marks and M. Sodano and J. Behley and C. Stachniss},
title = {{Efficient and Accurate Transformer-Based 3D Shape Completion and Reconstruction of Fruits for Agricultural Robots}},
booktitle = icra,
year = 2024,
videourl = {},
codeurl = {},

author = {Y. Pan and F. Magistri and T. L\"abe and E. Marks and C. Smitt and C.S. McCool and J. Behley and C. Stachniss},
title = {{Panoptic Mapping with Fruit Completion and Pose Estimation for Horticultural Robots}},
booktitle = iros,
year = 2023,
codeurl = {},
videourl = {}

author = {Federico Magistri and Elias Marks and Sumanth Nagulavancha and Ignacio Vizzo and Thomas L{\"a}be and Jens Behley and Michael Halstead and Chris McCool and Cyrill Stachniss},
title = {Contrastive 3D Shape Completion and Reconstruction for Agricultural Robots using RGB-D Frames},
journal = ral,
url = {},
year = {2022},
videourl = {},


Contact: Federico Magistri if you have any questions.


This work has been funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany’s Excellence Strategy, EXC-2070 – 390732324 – PhenoRob.